Felix Culpa - Our Consultancy Approach

Felix Culpa is a small firm focused on supporting clients through designing and implementing changes to strengthen their operating model, thereby reducing the exposure to risk and uncertainty.

We can make a real difference by applying many years of cross-sector experience and harnessing proven knowledge management systems, tools and methodologies to identify areas for improvement, plan the change and ensure that the benefits are realised.

  • We work closely with you to understand what makes your business tick and to find ways to improve performance and achieve excellence.
  • We also support clients to develop and implement new strategies, re-engineer services, access new markets and improve business efficiency.
  • In working with you, expectations and outcomes are identified at an early stage and that way, you know precisely what we will deliver and when.

Once a plan of action has been agreed, we will get on will the preparation which underpins every successful delivery.

Working with clients to realise the benefits of change by establishing the drivers, developing the strategy, supporting the execution and then refining the activities to align with the achievement of the benefits

Any period of change must be handled at the right pace and carefully considered to minimise disruption; the best performing businesses must be aligned and adaptable to changing circumstances and market forces.

Our consultants are experts in performance driven change, operating model design, communication and project planning, often in very trying environments.

Organisational Change and Consultancy

Change is effective when strategy, culture and leadership are aligned. Change transformation needs clear governance and the right choice of approach. We believe that the solution for effective and sustainable change resides in the relationships and boundary connections between stakeholders.

Culture Change
Culture still undermines even the best strategy - when organisations struggle to transform it is nearly always down to culture.

Change Transformation
We help you re align the organisation in major transformations, and get energy moving when change gets stuck.

Change Assurance
We can look at how you are already impmenting change and provide comfort that it is well controlled and governed, or suggest opportunities for it to improve benefit realisation.

Without a people focus on change – how they operate currently and how they will operate in the future state – you cannot fully realise the benefits of a programme. It’s the people in your organisation who will ultimately lead, adopt and sustain change and form the bedrock of how the future organisation operates.

We work with you to articulate a clear vision and objective for change, establishing what drives and motivates people in your organisation and then help them to mobilise and adopt the change. We can design and implement measurable outcomes from change, based on committed, rapid adoption and the realisation of benefits back to the business.

We have a long, successful history of delivering made to measure change management interventions to businesses undergoing transformation, global IT implementation and transitional change. We support you in maximising the ROI from change and strengthening your internal change management maturity to lead to vital competitive advantage.

Expert Bid Consultancy

Our bid consultancy service is tried and tested and we can work with corporate clients to produce a Request For Information (RFI) to identify options for service provision or support responses to RFIs on behalf of our clients to produce exceptionally high quality, winning proposals.

  • We work cross-organisationally where required – providing highly effective, flexible services which are delivered in line with agreed deliverables and timelines.

  • Our Consultants work both on client premises and remotely as necessary – with Work Plans agreed in advance of project start.

  • We can undertake compliance reviews of client policies, procedures and working practices enabling a transparent decision making process with all the requisite justification and supporting evidence.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We provided direction to a UK Bank to manage the conclusion of their GDPR programme.  Picking up in flight activity, establishing clear plans to transition into existing operating models with acceptance criteria and ongoing monitoring in place.

Focusing on responding to Data Subjects rights and risk assessing and reviewing third party relationships, we quickly aligned outcomes, providing surety around compliance and identified all residual risks for acceptance.

Global Financial Crime Programme

Providing delivery oversight for a global programme revising controls and operating models in 70 countries.  Management of the central toolset, global helpdesk and assurance reviews

Financial Reporting RFP

We provided support to a UK Bank to identify and select a reporting partner who could provide electronic reporting to a variety of regulatory and financial institutions.  The process commenced with vendor presentations to ensure all members of the evaluation committee were aware of the current market offerings, after which a comprehensive requirements gathering exercise was undertaken with over 500 individual items identifedidentified, prioritised and weighted.  This allowed an outcome focussed evaluation to be undertaken and a short list was quickly identified and pilots commenced so operability and benefits could be assessed ahead of awarding the contract.



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